Thursday, 4 July 2013

Summer Goals

Woohoo!! Summer's here!! I am so excited for summer and have some goals I want to accomplish.

 I know I know, it seems like there are a lot of school items on this list considering it is summer holidays. If there is one thing I have learned about being a new teacher it is to take the time to organize and plan when you have it. So I will be taking some of the time I would have spent doing nothing relaxing and use it to get ahead for September. My hope is by getting myself more organized now I will be able to take more time during the school year to relax and have some down time.

 My summer won't be all work though, my husband and I are running a wedding circuit this summer with 3 friends and 1 brother getting married in the next 2 months. The nice thing is the weddings are spread out basically over the entire country (BC to Ontario) which gives us a chance to play tourist! We are off to Niagara Falls for the first time in our lives!! So excited to take it all in and spend some quality time away from the normal routine with my hubby!

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