Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Budding Bloggers Linky Party

I am so glad I found this Linky Party over at I {heart} Recess! It is such a fantastic idea to connect new bloggers with each other and with other bloggers who have been doing this for a while longer. One of the things I am learning to love about blogging is the chance to connect to other people, and more specifically other teachers. I am really excited to check out the other blogs and see what they have to offer!

1. While stalking Pinterest for new classroom ideas I stumbled across the wonderful world of teacher blogs and fell in love. I have spent hours (just ask my husband) pouring over these blogs, reading and discovering what other teachers do. I felt inspired by all the pictures of classroom, tips, freebies, and good ideas that I thought I would give it a try.I have only been at it for a couple months but so far it is a great way to share a piece of myself as a teacher and to learn from other teachers as well. I love being a teacher and am very passionate about what I do and I definitely enjoy having a way to celebrate and share it with others!

2. I don't think I have a favourite subject. (Yes, I was that kid in class.) If I had to pick one though it would probably be Science. I am of the opinion that getting your hands dirty is a key part of childhood and I love giving students that chance in my classroom. I enjoy seeing kids excited about what they are learning and I find that Science lends itself to a hands-on approach so well. Besides let's face it... experiments are a blast!

3. The foundation of my teaching style can be found in the book of Proverbs: "Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not turn from it." I see each of my students as individuals who have been set apart for a purpose. It is my job to not only teach them the curriculum but to provide them with skills, attitudes, and habits that will allow them to be life-long learners. Doing this requires me to build relationships with the students, get to know their strengths and weaknesses, and do my best to differentiate their learning accordingly. I also think learning should be fun and enjoyable. I do my best to get students excited about what we are learning. As I mentioned before I love hands-on learning, moving around the classroom, and trying new things. And if we get a little messy in the process it's even better!

4. Three interesting facts about me:

My family lived and volunteered for a year at an orphanage in Mexico when I was 16. While we were there I had the chance to help teach English in the school. I guess it got me jump started on teaching!

I am slightly obsessed with elephants ever since I had the chance to ride one for 3 days at an Elephant Conservatory in Thailand.

I love to make music by singing, playing piano, and playing guitar!

5. I don't have a TPT store but am happy to share anything you may find on my blog that looks interesting or useful to you if you send me a message.

1 comment:

  1. HI Mrs. V!

    I love elephants so much that I have a baby nursery in my house with elephants! No baby or bun in the oven though...hehe. I love that you and your family volunteered in an orphanage when you were younger. Also love that you refer to Proverbs when expressing your teaching style. So glad I found your blog through the Budding Blog linky and am your newest follower. Make sure to check out my blog if you get a chance. I'm doing a giveaway this week (and it's for a good cause)!
    Melissa Cloud
    A Teaspoon of Teaching
